
Mud Stompin'

Tip of the day - don't walk around with keys in your pocket - especially in the spring - especially in a muddy field - especially when you're running around with a kite.

This past Easter weekend we headed to Katriina's family's cottage for some R&R. As we were about to leave, we weren't able to find our car keys to start packing up the car. Ensued was a full fledged hunt for our car keys. Fortunately we were able to track them down in the field mentioned above - due to the fact that our rubber boots had left behind some serious dont-need-to-be-Man-Tracker-to-follow prints.

Brenizer Method - Winter

We recently got a new lens and wanted to try it out with a technique we like to use dubbed the "Brenizer Method" or "Bokehrama".  We've talked about this technique before but just to re-cap; this method allows us to capture wide shots with a shallow depth of field (blurry background). Getting these wide shots with very blurry backgrounds are impossible with today's lenses.  In short these are portrait panoramas stitched from dozens of photos. 

Shot at 85mm f/1.4 - Brenizer Method Equivalent Lens 33mm f/0.54

Shot at 85mm f/1.4 - Brenizer Method Equivalent Lens 30mm f/0.5

Shot at 85mm f/1.4 - Brenizer Method Equivalent Lens 46mm f/0.46

Shot at 85mm f/1.4 - Brenizer Method Equivalent Lens 46mm f/0.75

Shot at 85mm f/1.4 - Brenizer Method Equivalent Lens 34mm f/0.56