
Playing in the Rain

Everyone hopes for a nice, sunny day on their big day but we all know the weather doesn't always cooperate with our plans. Rain or shine we want to be able to take great photos. Sunday proved to be grey and rainy here in Ottawa so we saw this as an opportunity to try some portraits in the rain. The idea was to really accentuate the raindrops and make them a key element of the photo. To do this I stuck a flash on a stand and put a freezer bag on it with an elastic to keep it dry. The flash was placed behind the subject and fired remotely from the camera to light the raindrops.

I think this worked out pretty well. You can see below the difference between shooting only with ambient light and than shooting with the flash back-lighting the raindrops. It really makes the photo pop.

No Flash - Ambient Light

Off Camera Flash - Backlit

Another one of Katriina.

Adventures in Colour

I think it's safe to say we are outdoorsy people. Jon grew up in the country, and while I (Katriina) grew up in the suburbs, there wasn't much to do in the town as far as attractions, so you had to make fun outside. After selecting these photos, I realized how many of them are just us, outside, exploring. He's quite perfect for me. But please, join us in one of our adventures because a girl only needs so many photos of herself.

"The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be and that God wishes to see people happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature." -Anne Frank

Summer has arrived.

Between soccer, softball, visits home and enjoying the outdoors, there doesn't seem to be enough time in the week for everything. While we've been able to shoot a lot of photos, getting them edited & uploaded is a different story.​

​Here's a black and white compilation of our past few weeks. Since we're typically golden-hour dreamers, most of our photos end up being delivered in colour, but we've been trying out some new black and white edits and are liking how they look.

We'll post some more colourful versions of our adventures soon.