
Baby Everett

You know you see all the Buzzfeeds about weddings and babies everywhere? Well, at first I didn't care because Jon and I got married at 22 and 23 - so we were totally one of the people that these videos & lists are talking about. And none of our friends were having babies yet, so that part seemed irrelevant. And then this year, it happened. Somehow my best friend that I had known since Grade 4 had a baby, and made us into adults that are now in that stage of life. But after taking these photos and getting to meet the little guy, I can definitely say I'm okay with that. Plus this lady was born to be a mom.


Baby Zoey!

At the end of October we got together with Daria and Jared to take some maternity photos.

We ended the session assuming it would be another month till we got together again to take some photos of their new baby girl. Boy were we all wrong! Four days later - their little girl was ready to see the world! Here are some of the photos from their newborn session.